Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Wordpress custom login page plugin

(opens new window)Have you ever wanted to change the login screen for your Wordpress (opens new window) multisite? Well now you can.

We have a campus-wide Wordpress installation that uses our LDAP for login. When we first set it up we got complaints about the "username" field. Users thought that they needed a different login than their "AccessID (opens new window)", our unique campus identifier.

# Changing "Username"

One of our developers, Nick West (opens new window), wrote a plugin to customize the style and labels of the login page.

As you can see on the right, we were able to hook in and translate the username label to the more recognizable "AccessID".

We didn't change any other aspects of the page just yet but that may be in our future.

# Now on GitHub

We, and others, have been looking for a plugin like this for some time. We decided we couldn't keep this functionality to ourselves so we decided to publish it on GitHub (opens new window). Feel free to download, fork, and contribute anything you want back to the project.

https://github.com/waynestate/wp-custom-login (opens new window)

We hope you find this useful and look forward to seeing your custom login pages. Feel free to comment with URLs or screenshots.