Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Web office makeover

# Before

Unfortunately I couldn't find a good photo of how the design side looked before the construction. The two above don't do it justice. I know I have one and will update the post when I find it. In the above photo we removed the wall that separated the web area from the rest of marketing. The goal with the project was to give the Web area more breathing room. We also have a conference table and book shelf which would not fit in our old area.

# After

Above you can see how taking down the wall has opened up our area and allowed for an additional desk plus the conference table. If you have been in the Web area before you know we work with the lights off so seeing everything lit up might look odd even if we didn't expand.  The new space will allow us to have a true brainstorming area with whiteboard, conference table and projector. Something we need far too often when analyzing project needs and designs.