[Friday Links] The Behind Edition
I am very behind with these links but regardless here they are. There's great stuff going on out there and it needs to be shared. Enjoy.
- Development Tools From An Event Apart (opens new window)
- WideImage - An open-source PHP library for image manipulation (opens new window)
- Multiple Backgrounds and CSS Gradients (opens new window)
- Better User Experience With Storytelling – Part One - Smashing Magazine (opens new window)
- From the bleeding edge: 10 must-read scientific research papers on conversion rate optimization « Wingify Conversion Optimization Blog (opens new window)
- Vector Social Media Icons (opens new window)
- Embedding video files without JavaScript | 456 Berea Street (opens new window)
- Random rules for ideas worth spreading (opens new window)
- Random tweet re: #fear (opens new window)
- Unobtrusive JavaScript is not necessarily accessible JavaScript (opens new window)
- Best practices for training content contributors (opens new window)