[Friday Links] The Birthday Edition
So today is my 26th birthday and I decided to spread a great list of links from across the Web with yall. Like always the topics are all over the place but scan through them, I'm sure something will catch your eye.
- Virtual Slot Machine Teaches the Logic of Loss (opens new window)
- Don’t Use Black for Shadows (opens new window)
- A gentle introduction to MVC (part 1) (opens new window)
- Information Architecture: The Backbone Of SEO & Usability (opens new window)
- Form Follows Function, But How Far Behind? (opens new window)
- Three Perils with Search Landing Pages (opens new window)
- FreeNameTags Creates Wearable Name Tags For Your Next Party [Printables] (opens new window)
- Project Ares: Full mobile development environment from Palm all in the browser (opens new window)
- 24 ways: Rock Solid HTML Emails (opens new window)
- Text to Speech via HTML5 Audio (opens new window)
- Transforming XML with PHP and XSL – techPortal (opens new window)
- Protokit 0.1 (opens new window)
- Visual Hierarchy: How Well Does Your Design Communicate? | Van SEO Design (opens new window)
- Where is the fold? Google browser size vs. actual heatmap (opens new window)
- Google makes URLs Goo.gl (opens new window)
- What Makes Them Click » Blog Archive » Eyetracking Studies — 7 Traps to Avoid (opens new window)
- Stronger, Better, Faster Design with CSS3 - Smashing Magazine (opens new window)
- Ten usability crimes you really shouldn't commit (opens new window)
- 3D Detroit in Google Earth (opens new window)