Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Site Launch: One Minute Professor

We just launched the One Minute Professor (opens new window) Web site, it was created so our professors could debunk and explain the science behind myths. Right now we started with three episodes and have a few more on the way. We are asking for user submitted suggestions and have a few professors already excited to bust some new myths.

The site is not a typical department site and besides for the header and footer doesn't have a great deal of Wayne State branding. The goal of the design was to get straight to the point. The first episode is always front and center, just one click away from playing. The right hand side lists the last two episodes and there is a big green button in the menu to suggest a topic.

With the site being so basic we can accomplish some primary user goals quickly:

  1. Bring awareness to Wayne State
  2. Have a user watch the most recent episode
  3. Explore other episodes if desired
  4. Share a video with a friend

On the individual video page the right column is dedicated to sharing a the video which in turn brings more visitors and awareness to not only our professors but the university itself.

Check out the One Minute Professor myths at: http://wayne.edu/oneminuteprof/ (opens new window). The Cinnamon Challenge is my favorite episode.

Don't be afraid to pass the site along to friends (opens new window) or subscribe.