[Friday Links] The Chili Cook-Off Edition
Today is our department's annual chili cook-off. Not too much to talk about this week other that Chrome OS, TinyChat and a few other fun things. Hope you had a great week and got a lot accomplished. Enjoy the links of the week.
- 5 Effective Calls to Action That Will Get Your Visitors Clicking (opens new window)
- Google Chrome OS available as free VMWare download (update: first impressions) (opens new window)
- TinyChat – Creating Connections for Admissions (opens new window)
- Coding Clean and Semantic Templates (opens new window)
- Academia vs. Business (opens new window)
- 10 Definitive Tips for Writing Captivating Emails (opens new window)
- Mockingbird: Build Web Site Mockups Fast (opens new window)
- Higher Ed Web Marketing - How do we educate campus on best practices for e-communications (opens new window)
- Friday Fun; Scroll Clock (opens new window)
- The Art of the Paragraph (opens new window)
- What Inbound Marketers and Microsoft Can Learn From St. Vincent Hospital's "Pink Glove Dance" Video (opens new window)