[Friday Links] The Quarantine Edition
It seems like one after another sickness is starting to spread through the Web department. Yet with multiple people out we have still managed to launch three sites this week (watch for the write up's shortly) and keep projects moving. The links this week have a theme of "tools", helpful items for the day to day. Enjoy the links.
- Do You Have Digital Natives at Your Organization? (opens new window)
- 10 Free Server & Network Monitoring Tools that Kick Ass (opens new window)
- Client Side Code Highlighting Made Easy (opens new window)
- Google releases Closure, the tools behind the JS geniuses (opens new window)
- Free Browsers for Visual Impairment (opens new window)
- Fast by Default and Web Performances (opens new window)
- The Quentin Tarantino Guide to Creating Killer Content (opens new window)
- Cyclo.ps Makes Searching for Stock Images Simple [Image Search] (opens new window)
- How to Get Your Ideas Across to Clients (opens new window)
- Raising the Dead: Bringing Failed Projects Back to Life (opens new window)
- INSIGHT: A great way to figure out the weak spots (opens new window)