Wayne State Web Team

Wayne State University Web Team Blog

Web site request bookmarklet

All Web site requests come in through our wcs[at]wayne.edu email account. Recently we've been testing a ticket system called Tender (opens new window) to keep track of all these emails. It has worked well but still has not solved the true issue we are facing so we are not going to continue using it.

The issue comes down to lack of information in service request emails. We get on average 40 emails per day that range from changing a few words to a complete list of changes for a site. Sometimes tracking down what site, what page, what content needs to be updated and when it needs to be updated by can take more time than the update itself.

So we are trying something new, a bookmarklet (opens new window) that has some pre-defined fields which gives us the basic information for a request in a standard format. Below you can see what the base email looks like:

# Filling out the email

Here is a filled out request, basically replacing the pre-defined labels with your site information.

# Installing the Bookmarklet

  1. Make sure the "Bookmarks Toolbar" is visible. If it is not, go to menu View > Toolbars.
  2. Drag one of the links below into your Bookmarks Toolbar based on how you send email
    1. Using MS Outlook or OS X Mail: Send Web Update
    2. Using Wayne Connect Web site: Send Web Update (opens new window)

(opens new window)

# Customizing the Bookmarklet

If you only oversee one or two sites and would like to automatically have your site name in the subject of the email just let us know and we can send you a specific bookmarklet just for you.