[Friday Links] The HTML5 Edition
The week flew by and a ton of stuff got done. You can see from our recently launched sites (opens new window) we have been putting up about 3 per week this month, we are very proud about this. Looks like the other web workers have also been very busy, checkout the links below to see what has been going on in the industry.
- Get Started with DNS (opens new window)
- Lunascape: 3 Popular Rendering Engines, One Browser (opens new window)
- Force links to open in new tabs in Safari (opens new window)
- .eduGuru - Higher Ed Content: Have It Your Way. (opens new window)
- Karlyn Morissette.com - "Blogging and Tweeting are Weird"
- Ron Bronson - The Ghost of student media future (opens new window)
- A small, gentle question that could change your life (opens new window)
- jQuery Custom Events: They Will Rock Your World! | Fuel Your Coding (opens new window)
- Eight Social Media Tips from Artist Natasha Wescoat (opens new window)
- Social media 'literacy gap' growing (opens new window)
- HTML 5 Parsing (opens new window)
- HTML 5 Parser Lands in Gecko (opens new window)
- Google Announces Chrome OS, For Release Mid-2010 (opens new window)
- Accessible drag and drop using WAI-ARIA - Opera Developer Community (opens new window)
- Authenticating Users With Facebook Connect and Google Friend Connect - Nettuts+ (opens new window)
- Developer.com Delivers Solid Articles on Dev Topics (opens new window)
- Improving jQuery's JSON performance and security | Encosia (opens new window)
- 100 Outstanding Login Forms | Design Reviver (opens new window)