[Friday Links] The Fourth of July Edition
This week has been crazy in the office. Although we have been pumping out sites and updates believe it or not there is more to come. Additions to the calendar for Welcome Back Week, FOCIS announcements and big things from the office of development. Stay tuned as we break it down for you.
In the mean time enjoy these links of the week.
- More than you ever want to see about encoding (opens new window)
- Install Firefox 3.5 on Ubuntu with One Command [Linux] (opens new window)
- Graded Browser Support Update: Q3 2009 (opens new window)
- The Machine is (Changing) Us: YouTube Culture and the Politics of Authenticity (opens new window)
- Why Web Projects Take So Damn Long (opens new window)
- Modernizr: HTML5 and CSS3 detection (opens new window)
- You've Got 20 Seconds Or Less to Live.
- How do you track time? (opens new window)
- People with passion fuel social media (opens new window)
- Old-School Marketing No Longer Working? Blame Canada (opens new window)
- Usability Tweetup in Ann Arbor, July 18 (opens new window)
- Remember That Zoho Secret Launch? It's Zoho Projects 2.0 (opens new window)
- JSConf Talk: Games, Performance, TestSwarm (opens new window)
- Demos, tools and tutorials for the HTML canvas element - Canvas Demos (opens new window)
- PHP: PHP 5.3.0 Release Announcement (opens new window)
- Shirky's Law (opens new window)